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Special Educational Needs (SEND)
Dorset’s Local Offer for Children and Young People
Every Local Authority must publish information on local services for children and young people aged 0 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Using the ‘Local Offer’ website a search can be made of local services; many of which have provided information on how they support children with SEND.
Stoborough Nursery’s ‘Local Offer’ information can be accessed on the ‘Dorset Family information Directory’ website.
> Stoborough Nursery Local Offer information
Further Resources
SEND - Sources of further online information
SEND Parent's information booklet
Early years: guide to the 0 to 25 SEND code of practice (Department of Education)
Special educational needs and disability (Department of Education)
SMALL TALK: How children learn to talk from 0-5
TALK TOGETHER - Helping babies and young children learn skills for talking
What to expect, when? Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage
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