About us

Our home, at Stoborough Nursery, is situated in the grounds of Stoborough CE VA Primary School, near Wareham. We were established in 1986 and in November 2009 we moved into a new mobile classroom on the school grounds. We have our own building and garden, but we also benefit from being able to use the school's extensive facilities such as the school hall, playground and playing fields.
We provide fantastic care and education for children from the village of Stoborough, the nearby town of Wareham and surrounding areas.
We are open for 39 weeks of the year (term time only), five days a week from 8.30am - 3.30pm. We are registered to care for and educate a maximum of 20 children in each session.
Children can attend Stoborough Nursery from around age 2 years 6 months until their 5th birthday.
Please ask us about your entitlement to 15 hours free childcare for children over the age of 3 and the additional 15 hours for those eligible.
We also take funded 2 year olds and have subscribed to the tax-free childcare payment service.